3.2 bar
Maximum Operating Temperature
<0.25 EU/ml Assembly Method Bonding
Sterilization Compatibility
Bacterial Retention:
Brevundimonas diminuta
Air Flow
18-30 LPM/3.7 cm2 @ ∆P=6000 mm H2O
Acrylic Copolymer:
>4.7 LPM @ ∆P 700 mm Hg 3.7 cm2
Water Breakthrough
PTFE: >25m H2O
Acrylic Copolymer: >1.8bar
Air flow and water breakthrough specifications refer to the raw membrane material, not to the finished product.
Ordering Information:
Product Code Housing Material Color Filter Material Pore Size µm
TP030ANAV002AA02 PVC clear / clear PTFE 0.2
TP030BNAR002AA02 PVC + AC clear / clear Acrylic Copolymer 0.2
TP030BMAR002AA02 Polycarbonate + AC clear / clear Acrylic Copolymer 0.2
Packaging: Dimension Weight Quantity / Box
60 x 40 x 25 cm 13.4 kg 5,000 units